Launch of my new book in January 2020: published by Vintage Books, a division of Penguin Random House.  You can pre-order at Amazon.com, Indie Bound, Libro.fm Audiobooks, and Barnes & Noble (click on your choice to pre-order).


First Review of The New World Economy--A Beginner's Guide:  "A welcome user’s manual for anyone..."
Kirkus Reviews, 24 Sept. 2019, click here to see full review.

Many of us are bewildered by a fast-changing global economy that seems too big and too complicated for us to understand. So, we tend to let politicians make decisions for us. Unfortunately, politicians are not always going to do what’s best for us. They’re going to do what’s best for themselves and their re-election chances.

As The Economist once wrote: "If economists want to be understood, let them use plain words . . . [and] address those words less to politicians and more to everybody else. Politicians care about what voters think, especially voters in blocks, and not a shred about what economists think. Talking to politicians about economics is therefore a waste of time. The only way to make governments behave as if they were economically literate is to confront them with electorates that are."

The idea of The New World Economy—A Beginner's Guide is not only to give readers a basic understanding of what is happening in the world economy but also to provide them with the tools to be able to make sense of future economic events—good or bad.


Randy Charles Epping, based in Zurich, Switzerland and São Paulo, Brazil, has worked in international finance for over 25 years, holding management positions in European and American investment banks in London, Geneva, and Zurich. He has a master’s degree in international relations from Yale University, in addition to degrees from the University of Notre Dame and the University of Paris-La Sorbonne. He is currently the manager of IFS Project Management AG, a Switzerland-based international consulting company. He is also the president of the Central Europe Foundation, which provides assistance to students and economic organizations in Central and Eastern Europe. In addition to The New World EconomyA Beginner's Guide, he has written several other books on the world economy, translated into more than 20 languages around the world. He has also written a novel, Trust, a financial thriller based in Zurich and Budapest. Mr. Epping holds dual U.S. and Swiss citizenship and is fluent in six languages: English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish.

Mr. Epping holds the trademark to the concept of FUSION ECONOMICS, which is based on the idea that the world economy has become so interconnected that it is almost impossible to accurately predict what will happen in the future. Fusion economics is based on the same concept as chaos theory, where something as insignificant as a butterfly flapping its wings over the Amazon can cause a severe thunderdstorm in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square. In today’s new world economy, causes and effects are converging, fusing together in a complex web that is almost impossible to understand by reading traditional theoretical economic textbooks.  In order to thrive and survive in the new fusion economy, we need information and ideas based on real-world examples and real-world solutions.

The New World Economy--A Beginner's Guide
Table of Contents
1. Butterflies over Beijing: What Is the New “Fusion Economy”?
2. Bitcoins and Blockchains: Are Cryptocurrencies Real Money?
3. How Do Local Economic Crises Become Global Crises?
4. Supranationals: Do International Organizations Like the World Bank and the IMF Really Promote Economic Growth?
5. How Do We Rank Countries in the New Global Economy?
6. Can Trade Wars Destroy the World Economy?
7. Brexit and Border Walls: Does Economic Isolation Make Economic Sense?
8. Does Immigration Take Our Jobs Away?
9. How Do Populist Leaders Use Our Economic Illiteracy to Gain Power?
10. Globalization Deconstructed
11. Inflation vs. Deflation
12. What Is Currency Manipulation?
13. The Fear of Investing: Is It Keeping Us Poor?
14. Comparing Investments in the New World Economy
15. Income Inequality: Is It Inevitable?
16. What Is Hot Money?
17. Barbarians at the Gate?—Private Equity Investors, Venture Capitalists, and High-Frequency Traders
18. The Twenty-First-Century Company
19. How Is the Digital Economy Transforming the World?
20. What Is the Internet of Things?
21. Is Data the New Gold?
22. How Are Robots and Artificial Intelligence Transforming the World Economy?
23. What Is theSharing Economy?
24. BRICS and Beyond: How Emerging Markets Are Becoming the New Powerhouses of the World Economy?
25. What Is the Future for the European Union and the Other Free-Trade Areas?
26. Sharp Power: How Countries Use Economic Power to Achieve Global Clout.
27. Sharing the Wealth: How Do Charities, Private Enterprise, and NGOs Promote Economic Development?
28. Corruption and Tax Evasion: How Does Money Laundering Really Work?
29. The Dark Web and Other Black Markets: How Big Is the Illegal Economy?
30. How Is Climate Change Transforming the Global Economy?
31. Economics vs. the Environment: Is It a Zero-Sum Game?
32. What Are the Alternatives to Capitalism?
33. Are Trade Unions Becoming Obsolete in the Twenty-First Century?
34. Healthcare: Ways That Work
35. How Is the Behavior of Millennials and Other Generations Changing the World’s Economic Landscape?
36. New Ways of Working and Living in the Twenty-First Century
